It is possible that sandblasting could remove a truck bed liner, depending on the type of liner and the intensity of the sandblasting.
Soft rubbery liners like Rhino liners will be almost near impossible though. A truck bed liner made of a durable material like polyurethane or polyurea, may also be more resistant to sandblasting.
Usually an old, deteriorating liner done by a Do It Yourselfer is the only type that may be suitable to sandblasting.
Additionally, the intensity of the sandblasting can also play a role in whether or not the liner will be removed. If the sandblasting is done at a high pressure or with a highly abrasive material, it is more likely that the liner will be removed.
It involves a lot of preparation and safety measures, which makes it a messy job. However, sandblasting a large area is not recommended because it can lead to warping or damage of the underlying body panels.
If sandblasting is the route you chose to remove the bed liner, a media such as glass bead or soda blast may be best to prevent warping.